Rich dmain

Rich dmain builds community platform

2 minutes, 56 seconds Read

Mr. Rich here helping people in the need and being a source of recognition for the youth freestyle rappers. He’s trying to get people there, where they all want to be Mr. Rich owns an apparel store in West Bromwich, Birmingham.

I heard people talking about his brand and I didn’t knew that he’s really putting on great apparel in his store.Then I went myself to his shop to find out about the clothes over there. I’d say people were right about clothes in this shop. They were Great really. The element of design in each of his clothes was fantasizing me and I was wishing if I Could buy all of his store. It was a wholesome experience seeing comfort and design all together in one place.

Moreover with running a shop, Mr. Rich also started his own studio where he gives opportunity to the young people out there. He calls for a young freestyle rapper everytime and manages their music by himself. He provides them with his music and the things for recording their freestyle. Mr. Rich really puts on effort for these freestyle rappers. He gets their recording done and also makes a video of them. He offers a proper cinematic video of the freestyle. Mr Rich also gets it edited aesthetically and then also upload these videos on his YouTube channel ‘Rich TV’.

After listening all of these things from people, I decided to meet Mr. Rich personally. When we met, I was mesmerized by his personality and his school of thoughts.

I will share what we talked about just now.

After talking to him about several topics we came to sports and I asked Mr. Rich about his interest in Sports that’s when he disclosed that he is putting effort in putting a Football team to get professional. He is sponsoring this football team Total Football CF. Mr. Rich is providing his team the best of coaches and the best kits out there.

He really looks out for the team because he wants his team to be performing the best and if they are performing they must be at peace and he got really sensitive when looking for the coach for football team. Total Football CF has the best reputation out there and it’s players give their best when they are on the ground and when they are performing.

Mr. Rich also told me that he’s really thoughtfull for the people back in Africa and he wanted to do something for the people out there. He wanted to be creating clothes that are way more affordable for the people in Gambia. That’s when he thought of giving inexpensive good clothes to the people out there.
Mr. Rich is trying his best to give youngsters have the opportunities that they could just be thinking of in your head. He is providing all of these opportunities to everyone and all of young rappers are welcomed in his studio and they can easily get to record their freestyle and be featured on Rich TV.

Mr. Rich Dmain is being an inspiration for the people and he does his best to cheer them up. He’s such a nice guy and he really looks forward in our Youtth. I would say more power to him for doing all of this stuff just by himself.

Go check out their store in West Bromwich and you can also go to his studio but do ask first before coming to the studio. I’m dropping his Instagram and YouTube channel down there.



Muhammad Shahid is regarded as one of the most passionate writers of the Digital Marketing expert & Outreach specialist in SEO

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